jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

Oral English Exam Fourth Period


Today is our Oral English Exam
Remember to write your complete name
(Hoy is nuestro examen de Math)
(Recuerda escribir tu nombre completo)

martes, 9 de junio de 2020

Math Exam Fourth Period


Today is our Math Exam
Remember to write your complete name
(Hoy is nuestro examen de Math)
(Recuerda escribir tu nombre completo)

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

Miss Carlota June 8- June 12

Recuerda en tu semana de exámenes poner tu nombre completo. 

Nos vemos el día Martes a través  de ZOOM

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020

Temarios y Vocabularios Cuarto Periodo

Temario Oral English

Vocabulario Oral English


Animals and the products that come from them


Plant Life Cycle 

What Seeds Need To Grow



Temario Math

 Vocabulario Math

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Miss Carlota Week May 25- May 29

Miss Carlota´s Classroom
(Oral English & Math)
Week May 25 - May 29

Monday May 25:
Oral English
Let´s review the vocabulary that we learned about clothes. Watch the video and practice the pronunciation and learn the vocabulary. Then click on the link and complete the activity.
(Repasemos el vocaulario y aprendamos acerca de la ropa. Vean el video y practiquen la pronunciación y aprendan el vocabulario. Luego ingresen en el link y hagan la actividad.)


Tuesday May 26:
Oral English

Let´s review the animals and the products. Look at the images and watch the short pronunciation video for practice.
(Repasemos los animales y los productos que vienen de ellos. Miren las imagenes y vean el video corto de pronunciacion para practicar.)

Wednesday May 27:
Let´s review the colors and the shapes. Watch the short pronunciation video that I have made for you. Practice pronuncing the shapes and the colors.


Thursday May 28:
Oral English
Let´s talk about the plant life cycle and what plants need to grow. Watch this short video that I have made for you.
(Hablemos acerca del ciclo de vida de la planta y lo que necesita para crecer. Vean este video corto que prepare para ustedes.)


Friday May 29:
Let´s review the numbers 1-25. Watch the video of the numbers. Practice the pronunciation and learn the numbers.
(Repasemos los números del 1-25. Vean el vídeo de los números. Practiquen la pronunciación y aprendance los números del 1-25.)


Have a wonderful weekend!

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Miss Carlota May 18 - May 22

Pre Kinder
Miss Carlota's Classroom
(Oral English & Math)
Week May 18- May 22)

Welcome Boys and Girls! I hope you had a great weekend and thta you are ready to begin a week full of wonderful things!
(Bienvenidos niños y niñas! Espero hallan tenido un fin de semana grandioso y que estén listos para dar inicio a una semana llena de cosas maravillosas!

Monday May 18:
Oral English
Good morning boys and girls! Today is Monday May 18, 2020.
(Buenos dias niños y niñas hoy es Lunes 18 de Mayo de 2020)
Today we are going to talk about what we see in the garden. You are going to open your Crickets book to pages 116-117 and you are going to watch a video that I have prepared for you. I want yu to color the flowers in the garden..
(Este dia vamos a hablar acerca de las cosas que se ven en el jardín. Abre tu libro de Crickets a las paginas 116-117 y verán un video que prepare para ustedes. Quiero que coloreen las flores que se encuentran en el jardin.)

Watch the video

Tuesday May 19:
Oral English

Kinder A

ID: 795 7916 1362
Clave: prekinder

Kinder B

ID: 767 0076 1826
Clave: prekinder
Good morning boys and girls! Today is Tuesday May 19, 2020.
(Buenos dias niños y niñas hoy es Martes 19 de Mayo de 2020)
Today we are going to talk about the letter Y. I want you to watch the following video and sing the song. Now open your book to page 118 of your Crickets book and color the Letter Y yellow and trace the words YARD and YELLOW.
(Este dia vamos a hablar acerca de la letra Y. Quiero que vean el siguiente video y canten. Ahora abran el libro Crickets a la pagina 118 y colorea la letra Y de color amarillo y traza las palabras YARDA y AMARILLO.

Watch the video

Wednesday May 20:

Oral English

Good morning boys and girls! Today is Wednesday May 20, 2020.

(Buenos dias niños y niñas hoy es Miércoles 20 de Mayo de 2020)

Today we are going to work in our Cricket book pages 119-120. Look at page 119. The life cycle of the plant. What does a plant need to grow? 

1. Seed

2. Soil

3. Water

4. Sun
Trace the arrows and the words.
Look at page 120. Look at each picture and say the name as you watch the pronunciation video that I have made for you.

Watch the Video ↓

Thursday May 21:
Oral English
Good morning Boys and girls! Today is Thursday May 21, 2020.
(Buenos días niños y niñas hoy es Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2020)
Today we are going to work in our Cricket book on pages 121-122-123.
(Este dia vamos a trabajar en el libro Cricket en las paginas 121-122-123)
Page 121 What insects are in the garden? Circle the butterfly and the worm.
(Pagina 121Cuales insectos están en el jardín? Encierra en un circulo la mariposa y el gusano) 

Page 122 Look at the letters V and Z. Match the words to the letters.
(Pagina 122 Mira las letras V y Z. Unir las palabras con las letra,)
Page 123 Connect and count. Trace the letters and color the cricket.(Page 123 Conecta los números y cuenta. Traza las letras y colorea el grillo)

Friday May 22:
Oral English
Good morning boys and girls! Today is Friday May 22, 2020.
(Buenos dias niños y niñas hoy es Viernes 22 de Mayo de 2020)
Today we are going to continue with our Cricket book. We are going to work on page 124 . What can insects do? 
(Este dia vamos a continuar con nuestro libro de Cricket. Vamos a trabajar en la pagina 124. Que hacen los insectos?)
slide → deslizar

Boys and Girls I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you very soon!
(Niños y niñas espero que tengan un fin de semana maravilloso y espero verlos pronto!)

Oral English Exam Fourth Period

Prekinder Today is our Oral English Exam Remember to write your complete name (Hoy is nuestro examen de Math) (Recuerda ...